these words are entirely dedicated to my dear grandmother (and grandfather) whom i love so much. it was during a church service that they were asking if we knew anybody who served, and i thought of my grammie and nearly started to cry. tears are welling as i think about it. i know she would wave it off saying it's nothing but i know how hard she works. actually i don't completely know. i've only seen some of it and that alone is enough to blow me away. i think it hit me that night just what a big heart that woman has! i hold her in such a special place in my heart. i talk and laugh with her on msn. i could hang out with my grandparents like they were my best friends, going to get ice cream, playing games and eating canned pears and pop tarts even though grampie shouldn't. i love it when he sings and cracks jokes. it makes me giggle. but i admire them both so much. i don't even know half the things they've done! but my grammie makes such good food and bakes such delightful treats for us to eat. i love holidays at their house. i love their house. but she'll whip up entire meals for her brothers and sisters. she'll help take care of them. she helps to lead a small group. she's taught sunday school and such for so long. i admire her christian spirit as well. she writes letters to missionaries and helps organize lots of things. so many people have been touched and impacted through her and her husband. she is such a creative lady! i'd like to think that's partially where i get it from. she scrapbooks and knits and sews and paints and writes and decorates and so on and so forth. and my grandfather is such an amazing singer and dabbles in guitar and woodworking as well. he is also incredibly talented. and they both go bowling every week! grampie has so many trophies. and grammie has her own laptop! not too many kids can say that their grandmother has a laptop and knows how to use it. my mom can't. and i love seeing her and grampie together. it warms my heart. 62 and still in love is pretty much how i would describe it. they hold hands and have their own camping trailer that they take all over the maritimes to go camping in. they go hiking and exploring. i'm sure they're both a wealth of hidden talents and treasures and stories. i could sit and listen to them talk of childhood memories forever. i love hearing about their history. it means so much to me. they have such humble hearts and will welcome you into their home and just love you and everyone. i always loved going to their house and playing nintendo and reading noddy books together. i still do. and walking to victoria park and barbeques on the back deck when all the family is together. i am just so grateful for all the love i have received. i am so blessed and so thankful to God for giving me such an amazing family when so many people never experience what true family is. and i hope to never take it for granted. i could continue on blabbering about the rest of my kin but i shall stop here. it just had to be said. i just want them to know how much i love and admire and respect them and i hope i too will learn from them. i wouldn't mind if i grew up to reflect a little bit of my grandmother. i wouldn't mind at all.
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