amidst the chaos and confusion one can feel content at the oddest times.
i feel comfortable and at ease with myself as a person.
i am confident in that i know who i am in Christ.
my life is not my own.
my life is His.
He is living through me.
i need not be afraid.
He is my reason to be brave.
i can't do anything on my own.
but with Him...anything.
it doesn't matter what it is.
where or how or with who.
i have a part to play in this grand symphony.
it may be small or insignificant.
it may be challenging or dangerous.
but it's all to His glory.
i'll do whatever it takes.
i don't need to have it all together.
i don't need to have outstanding gifts or talents.
He'll use whatever i have to offer.
i will be willing to learn.
to work for it.
to fight for it.
with imperfect excellence.
i was specifically made unique for a reason.
how can i not be glad for the way God has made me.
to envy another person would be like an insult to the Creator.
i am what i am and i don't need to try to impress anyone.
i am at peace with life and what it may bring.
to do more than just claim to have complete faith and trust in God.
but to truly believe it and live it out.
it's so relieving in a joyous way.
i want to sing and laugh and dance and cry all at the same time.
to know what and Who you're living for.
i don't feel so lost and overwhelmed.
because i know that as one person i will not be able to change the whole world.
but i can bring light to some parts of this spinning globe.
to some people.
but i also know i must have patience.
in the preparation and education.
knowing it's all going to build me as a person.
even while it may seem pointless at the time.
but i will not become complacent or apathetic while i wait.
i am surrounded with opportunities to do good.
to draw closer to God.
it's crazy to think how things in our lives shape who we become.
how we think.
passion '07:
three words...
something changed for me then.
i saw things in a way i had never before.
my eyes were opened to something much larger than myself.
i am a part of something bigger.
much bigger.
i could choose whether or not i want in on it.
but how could i refuse.
it all seems so unreal sometimes.
too good or ridiculous to be true.
but that's the mystery in it.
who would want to serve a predictable God that we completely understood.
He is so much greater than that.
beyond us.
how could we not worship Him with our lives.
life on earth is merely the prelude to eternity.
what we do now affects us forever.
really we should be dead in sin.
but Christ took our place!
never have those words meant more to me.
i am in utter awe.
there's no way i could be ashamed.
i am such unworthy filth.
yet He loves.
i know there will be dark valleys.
but i always have that core assurance.
nothing else has ever tempted to lure me away.
but things have creeped in on first place.
to my own folly.
for He is my first love.
forever and
ever and
ever and
- please keep me accountable, people -
"to envy another person would be like an insult to the Creator."
..i mean i could continuously pull quotes out of here but i'm quite sure if i kept doing that then i would be almost quoting almost every single word you just typed.
bethany, i am crying. i am moved. i'm just not grasping it. i just am not getting it. i'm just not. i need to read this over and over, i need to meditate of many different things said in this. i need to tuck myself away with Him.
i wish my printer worked because i would print this out so i could be reminded.
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